
Nc Early Mathematics Placement Testing Answers 2017 2018

The exam will be conducted remotely and in person with a proctor. CUNY Mask Mandate - Everyone is required to wear a face mask/covering inside all CUNY campuses and office buildings. Click here to view CUNY's Visitor Policy. Click here to view CUNY's COVID-19 Registration and Upload Guide for Visitors. Be sure to review our General Testing Rules page.

The Hunter College Mathematics Placement Test (MPT) and Math Milestones. The MPT is a timed, multiple choice, computer-based test. The exam does not affect acceptance to the college. The MPT can be used to determine a student's Math Milestone. Math Milestones are used by Hunter College to establish a student's past level of math achievement. Math Milestones enable students to register in mathematics and statistics coursework at Hunter College for which they show competent preparation.

First time freshmen will be assigned a Math Milestone during the month of May based solely on their high school math coursework and math GPA. After that, students should take the MPT only if they have reason to believe their assigned Math Milestone does not reflect their background and history of achievement in mathematics.

Transfer students must take the MPT before they can take a mathematics or statistics course, unless they have college-level transfer credit that is equivalent to Hunter prerequisites needed to take a mathematics or statistics course. The MPT must be taken before they register for any mathematics, statistics, science or liberal arts course at Hunter College that has a mathematics or statistics course pre- or co-requisite, unless they satisfy one of the few exemptions listed below.

After you have taken the MPT, if you have reason to believe that your Math Milestone does not reflect your background and history of achievement in mathematics, you can initiate an appeal process.  Click here to access the appeal form.

Visit the Office of Advising's website for help with selecting the correct introductory math course, which may depend on your anticipated major.


- There are two math courses with no prerequisites that can be used to satisfy the Hunter College Core Requirement in Math and Quantitative Reasoning (MQR Core) without a Math Milestone or taking the MPT:

Math 10000 Basic Structures of Mathematics, 3 credits, 3 hours

Math 10200 Mathematics and Everyday Life, 3 credits, 3 hours

All other mathematics and statistics courses have prerequisites that can be satisfied by competent scores on the MPT.

- For entering freshmen, exemption is only given for a score of 4 or higher on an AP Calculus AB or Calculus BC Test. Students who score a 4 or higher will earn credit for calculus.  Students, who have taken an AP Calculus AB or Calculus BC Test but do not yet know their score, need to take the MPT and plan for alternative coursework.  (AP Calculus AB and Calculus BC test scores of at least 4 supersede the MPT score.)

- Although CLEP exams are not given credit, they can be used to establish equivalency with prerequisites (see a math advisor for details if you have taken a CLEP math exam).

When Do I Take the MPT?

The MPT should be taken well in advance of your course registration date to avoid unanticipated registration problems that can happen when a course has a math prerequisite that is not met. If you are not sure if you will be taking a course that has a mathematics or statistics prerequisite, you should take the MPT to establish your choices and avoid potential delays in your progress toward a degree. Be sure to visit our Prepare and Register for the MPT webpage.

Taking the MPT

The MPT is conducted by the Hunter College Testing Center.

On the day of a remote exam, students must present valid photo identification to test.  Students must have a compatible operating system (Windows or MacOS) Note, the following devices cannot be used for remote testing: Chromebook OS, iPad, Kindle, and Tablets.The College is offering laptops on loan to students. Kindly review the following link for further assistance:

A webcam, mic, smartphone, strong internet connection, and valid photo identification are required to test remotely.Students must download and install the ZOOM app (the web version cannot be used for testing) on their testing device and smartphone.Students are to make sure that the permissions on their testing device are set to allow for screen sharing and remote control access. Note: Calculators, scrap paper and pens/pencils are not permitted for the remote MPT.  Students may be permitted to use a basic drawing tablet.  However, it must first be approved during a Zoom Features Practice Session.

On the day of an in person exam, students must present valid photo identification to test.  Note: Calculators, are not permitted for the in person MPT.

There is no fee associated with taking the MPT. Access to CUNY Blackboard is required to test.  T here are three parts to the test, with a minimum score required on each of the first and second parts to continue to the next part. Each part uses multiple choice questions; scoring is based solely on the number of correct answers, so guessing is not penalized. Students must complete the entire exam on the same day.

Part 1: The Basic Algebra Competency Test

This part is a 35-question, 30-minute timed test (35 minutes when remote). The test consists of basic algebra commonly learned in elementary and middle school (less commonly learned in early high school). The minimum raw score required to continue to the next part is 26/35.

Part 2: The Intermediate Algebra Competency Test

This part is a 30-question, 30-minute timed test (35 minutes when remote). The test consists of intermediate-level algebra skills commonly learned in middle school or early high school. The minimum raw score required to continue to the next part is 18/30.

Part 3: The Calculus Readiness Test

This part is a 30-question, 30-minute timed test (35 minutes when remote). The test consists of mostly high school math in trigonometry, functions, and graphs commonly learned in precalculus-level math.

MPT Results

A combination of the scores you achieve on the various parts of the exam is used in determining your placement. At the conclusion of the MPT, you will be given your score(s).  Kindly note that it can take a few days for the Math Department to update your CUNYfirst record with a Math Milestone.  You can use the following chart to determine which course you need to take:


For most students, the MPT course placement will be on target. However, if you have reason to believe the results do not reflect your background and history of achievements in mathematics,you can initiate an appeal process. Click here to access the appeal form.

Click here to view some frequently asked questions and answers

All inquiries pertaining to testing at Hunter College may be addressed by sending an email to the Testing Center.

Nc Early Mathematics Placement Testing Answers 2017 2018


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