This tutorial shows how to describe a calorie-free bulb in eight steps with simple illustrations and a breakdown of it's diverse parts

Light bulb drawing step by step
Light bulb drawing stride by pace

Starting time the tutorial past drawing light pencil lines. This will make it easier to right whatsoever mistakes. You may as well need to erase some modest parts of the drawing in ane of the steps so use a pencil until you finish the line drawing. Y'all can darken the lines later on.

Step one – Draw the Glass Washed of the Low-cal Bulb

Light bulb glass drawing
Light bulb drinking glass drawing

Start past cartoon the drinking glass washed of the light bulb. This should have a adequately round upper role and get narrower towards the bottom. Make the under side of this function flat.

Step 2 – Draw the Base of operations

Light bulb base drawing
Light bulb base drawing

Below the dome add the base of the low-cal bulb. Depict this in ii parts with the upper department beingness slightly wider than the lower one and having an angled bottom. This bending volition later assist you draw the screw threads.

Footstep 3 – Draw the Bottom

Light bulb bottom drawing
Light bulb bottom cartoon

Draw the bottom of the calorie-free bulb's base getting narrower as it goes downwardly ending with "bump like" role on the cease (the electric connector).

Step 4 – Draw the Screw Threads

Light bulb screw threads drawing
Calorie-free bulb screw threads cartoon

Now add some screw threads along the calorie-free bulb's base of operations every bit shown in the example above. These should have the same angle as the upper office of the base of operations drawn earlier.

Yous tin can erase some small parts of the base of operations's outline where it's overlapped by the threads.

Stride 5 – Draw the Glass Base

Light bulb glass mount drawing
Light bulb glass mount drawing

Inside the washed add together the glass base (supports the inner wires added in the adjacent step). Describe information technology with a wider function at the bottom followed by a narrower part and finally a "cap like" shape at the very top.

Step vi – Depict the Support Wires

Light bulb support wires drawing
Light bulb support wires cartoon

From the glass base of operations describe some support wires. In that location should be a thicker pair of wires going upward from the thicker office of the base and a thinner pair going from it'south very top.

Footstep 7 – Draw the Filament & End the Line Drawing

Light bulb line drawing
Lite bulb line drawing

Connect the wires with a few curved lines to show the filament. One time you are satisfied with your cartoon go over it with a black pen or marking. You can also simply darken the lines with the pencil.

Step eight – Color the Light Bulb

Light bulb drawing
Calorie-free bulb cartoon

To colour the lite bulb you can brand the glass role yellow or a light grey depending on if you want to show the calorie-free bulb being on or off. Also go out a flake of a highlight on one of it's side equally shown in the example to betoken that it has a shine reflective surface.

Colour the base of operations grey with a darker grey or blackness on the very bottom for the connector.

If you are making the light bulb yellow a mark can be a good coloring pick equally they tend to be bright kind of similar a glowing light seedling. Y'all can use a regular pencil to add the greys (or whatever coloring method you similar).


A light seedling is not very complicated but it does take a trivial bit of item forth it's base. Some lite bulbs tin can also vary slightly in their design but mostly a traditional light seedling every bit this one volition have the parts shown in the examples.

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